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Toward a socio-ecological understanding of adolescent violence in the home by young people with disability: A conceptual review

Adolescent violence in the home, Adolescents, Autism, AVITH, Disability, Young People

Australia’s National Research Organisation for Women’s Safety (ANROWS) has released this report aiming to create a clearer conceptualisation of adolescent violence in the home (AVITH) and young people with disability to inform effective service responses. The review identifies six critical gaps in the evidence base and the impacts of this.

Services, support and life outcomes for autistic Australians

Autism, Report

The Senate Select Committee on Autism has released its report investigating the services, support and life outcomes for autistic Australians. The inquiry found that life outcomes for autistic Australians are poor and there is a compelling need for change to address the discrimination and service access difficulties faced by people with autism and their families. The report makes 81 recommendations.

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