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Core components of public health approaches to preventing child abuse and neglect

Abuse, Child Abuse, Child maltreatment, Intervention programs, Safety and wellbeing, Young People

This chapter is part of a larger work on child maltreatment and takes a prevention-focused approach to child abuse and neglect by drawing on lessons from the public health sector. The authors argue that a public health approach can help refocus attention on the structural forces affecting families and improving safety and wellbeing outcomes for children.

“It depends on what the definition of domestic violence is”: How young Australians conceptualise domestic violence and abuse

Abuse, Children, Domestic Violence, Family Violence, Safety and wellbeing, Young People

Australia’s National Research Organisation for Women’s Safety (ANROWS) has released this report exploring young people’s understandings of domestic violence, which builds upon insights gained from the 2017 National Community Attitudes towards Violence against Women Survey. Many new insights and findings were found and are detailed in this report.

Technology-facilitated abuse: A survey of support services stakeholders

Abuse, Report, Research, Support Workers

This report from Australia’s National Research Organisation for Women’s Safety (ANROWS) explores the extent and nature of, and responses to, technology-facilitated abuse in Australia. Drawing on the results of a national survey of 338 support services workers, the report finds that technology-facilitated abuse is a prevalent and growing issue that presents significant barriers to help-seeking. A range of implications for policy and practice are outlined, including the need for training to improve service responses.

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